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Social Media Portal

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ComplaintCommunity? is a brand new, unique, dedicated web-based complaint management solution, and the only site that aims to service all interested parties in the complaint management process.

We have built the site to cover all the complaint ?bases?
- allowing you as an individual to post and manage your complaints online
- allowing you to join with a GroupComplaint? - our unique tool. No other website offers the facility for a large group of people to manage their common complaint
- connecting you to the complainee directly, other complainers and dedicated Expert Advisers
- and? if all else fails, they can help you find a Better Offer!
- And it?s completely Free To Use for the consumer!.

ComplaintCommunity? isn't just for customers to use for their complaints though
- it's also got a whole suite of FREE tools to support all business's to successfully manage their customers complaints!

  • We can serve your complaint management capabilities
  • Or complement them by sweeping up social media complaints (you didnt even know about, say on twitter, facebook etc) and re-presenting them back to you to ensure a successful outcome!

    How does It Work?
    Link here -
OwnerCompComm Ltd
Launch date07 November 2008
OriginUnited Kingdom


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