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The Happy Geek
The annoyingly interesting ramblings of the original freelance word monkey, The Happy Geek blog is home to award winning technology journalist and author Davey Winder.

A freelance technology journalist for 17 years, Davey has been Contributing Editor of the biggest selling IT magazine in the UK (PC Pro) for 14 of them. Along the way he has picked up an award or two, well four actually: Technology Journalist of the Year 1996, Best IT Security Feature 2006 and 2007, and IT Security Journalist of the Year 2006. If you want to know more then Google his name or old alter ego of "Wavey Davey" or take a look at the entry in Wikipedia which probably says he is the President of Botswana...
OwnerDavey Winder
Launch date01 August 2006
OriginUnited Kingdom


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