Walt Disney?s Disney Family.com has today launched a new social networking site for parents aptly named
Disney Family.com Community.
The new social network aims to provide a place online where parents can connect with each other based on hobbies, age(es) of children, family setup and geographical location. Mum?s and dad?s can interact by posting comments, share parenting tips, ask questions and share experiences on the challenges they face as parents.
Disney Family Group?s Vice President, Emily Smith says that parents are increasingly sharing their experiences and offering support to other parents through social networking. She comments, ?Disney Family.com Community creates a new online forum that combines social networking and insightful content to bring moms and dads together to make important connections while having fun.?
Parents are able to join various groups on the Community, such as the ?Recipe Swap? group, and the ?Birthday Party Ideas? group. Family orientated organisations will also be able to create groups to post announcements, events and updates etc. Mum?s and dad?s will also be able to create their own groups at any time.

In February 2008, Disney made a commitment to better focus on kids and families online through a new team called Disney Online Studio, where they
announced their intention to launch a range of online games, virtual worlds and online communities.