Yes to Gnomes! social media campaign by garden furniture and accessories retailer UK Water Features
Fountain, pond and water feature specialist UK Water Features uses IKEA add to drive video Yes to Gnomes! social media campaign
Campaign name: Yes to Gnomes!
Company: UK Water Features, Cream Consultancy, Sixty Second Video
Audience: Home improvement
Duration: 26/04/2013 and is on-going
Budget: Less than £1,000
Channels: PR, social media and video
Social Media Portal (SMP): Agencies behind the campaign?
Cream Consultancy (CC):
Cream Consultancy and
@wearecreamSixty Second VideoSMP: The full name of the brand CC:
UK Water FeaturesSMP: What is the official campaign name and why was it chosen?CC: Yes To Gnomes! The name was chosen as a clear call to action in response to IKEA?s latest anti-gnome ad. We know lots of people love gnomes and we won?t let IKEA tell the world otherwise!
SMP: What was the start and end date of the campaign?CC: 26/04/2014 ? ongoing
SMP: Why was the length of the campaign chosen?CC: As the campaign is a response to IKEA?s campaign and reactive, we haven?t put any time limits on it.
SMP: The target audiences of the campaign, who are you trying to reach and why?CC: The target audience is anyone with an interest in gnomes or IKEA. The campaign is all about raising awareness of the UK Water Features brand generally, but particularly amongst UK Water Features key customers ? families/couples who own their home and have cash to spend on home and garden improvements.
SMP: Briefly, tell us about your campaign
CC: Furniture giant IKEA attacked the little guy in its
latest ad. Now he?s fighting back.
Walter, the self-proclaimed leader of protest group OMG (Opposing Mindless Gnomism), has issued a stark warning to the Scandinavian flat pack retailer ? acknowledge the role Britain?s beloved gnomes have to play in our gardens, or Billy gets it!
In the video reminiscent of Reservoir Dogs, gnome Walter defends the diminutive garden characters before revealing he?s taken Billy bookcase hostage. The foot tall radical is demanding an admission from IKEA that gnomes do matter, before Billy becomes sawdust.
SMP: What are the goals / objectives of the campaign and why is it different? CC: The aim is to have a bit of fun whilst raising awareness of online retailer UK Water Features through piggybacking on the success (and divided opinions) of the current IKEA anti-gnome ad. It was produced on a shoestring budget ? the polar opposite of IKEA?s campaign.
SMP: What are the channels, platforms and methods you?re using?CC: The video is hosted on YouTube and has been shared across Twitter and Facebook, using the Twitter hashtag
#yes2gnomes. We?ve delivered online and offline PR to support the social media campaign.
SMP: What are you achieving (what are the results)?CC: The campaign has only been live for four hours and we?ve already featured on The Drum and been the subject of a great blog on TV Advertising Media. The hashtag #yes2gnomes currently has a potential reach of 172,627.
SMP: What is the budget used for the campaign?CC: The whole campaign has cost less than £1,000.
SMP: What agency created the video and how much did it cost to produce?CC: The agency is Sixty Second Video. The total cost of the campaign, including video, was under £1,000.
SMP: How are you making the campaign social?CC: The video?s hosted on YouTube
SMP: Are there any plans to create longevity for the campaign? If yes, why? If no, why?CC: There?s definite potential to extend the ?Yes to Gnomes? campaign, both on and offline. Watch this space!
SMP: Are there any dedicated hash tags or social media profiles for the campaign?CC: Twittert hashtag #yes2gnomes and on Twitter @waterfeatures
SMP: Where can we see it?CC:
FacebookUK Water Features blogYes to Gnomes! press releaseSMP: Do you have a gnome and what?s is its name? If not, why not?
CC: We have our very own Water Bucket Walter who sits proudly in the Cream office, currently on a bookcase next to a bunch of daffodils. He hasn?t taken anyone hostage. Yet.
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