LeaseCar #CarWarningLights with Click Consult encourages motorists to check warning lights
Brand: Lease Car
Campaign: ?How well do you know your car warning lights? and
#CarWarningLights Budget: Five-figure sum
Region: United Kingdom (UK)
Duration: 01/04/2020 to 30/05/2020
Media: Mobile and print
Social Media Portal (SMP): Agency behind the campaignLeaseCar (LC): Click ConsultSMP: The full name of the brand
LC: LeaseCar is UK car leasing company based in the UK, offering a huge range of car leasing and contract hire options from entry level hatchbacks to luxury saloons.
SMP: What are regions is the campaign for?LC: United Kingdom (UK)
SMP: The official campaign name and why was it chosen?LC: The campaign, ?
How well do you know your car warning lights?, is a smaller campaign which has been chosen to help encourage readers to check the warning lights of their car in a fun and light-hearted way.
SMP: What was the start and end of the campaign?LC: 01/04/2020 to 30/05/2020
SMP: The target audiences of the campaign, who are you trying to reach and why?LC: The campaign is aimed at people who have been driving for a while and may have gotten into bad habits over years of driving and who would benefit from a refresh of car warning lights. It was also aimed at those who generally enjoy driving and would enjoy driving a leased vehicle as a new experience, to help bring in new customers.
SMP: Briefly, tell us about your campaignLC: It?s a way to challenge your knowledge of car warning lights through an interactive quiz and encourage you to know what the issue your car is trying to signal to you and how serious it is.
SMP: What are the goals / objectives of the campaign and why is it different? LC: The objective of the campaign is to get users to play the quiz and test their knowledge. This is different from the usual campaigns for LeaseCar as previous campaigns of this size tend to go down a simpler, more informative route on vehicles and car laws. This is one of the first campaigns of this size that features an interactive quiz to engage users and encourage users to visit the site for a longer period of time. We hope that using an interactive tool will open us up to a wider audience and will be more memorable to readers than previous campaigns.
SMP: What are the channels, platforms and methods you?re using?LC: Mobile and desktop use is the main focus for this campaign as the quiz is best played on these platforms. All of LeaseCar?s campaigns encourage use of the hashtag for an added social media presence which focuses on Twitter
@LeaseCar_UK and
Facebook. There is an embed code for the quiz to be featured on other websites such as blogs and news publications.
SMP: What do you hope to achieve?LC: The idea behind the concept was to create an asset that is fun and engaging, but also relevant to the motoring industry, showing LeaseCar as industry experts. The campaign asset looks to encourage a good click through rate, increasing traffic, in terms of both unique visits and new users to the LeaseCar website.
Also, building an increase in awareness for the brand, with the hope of increased visibility in the Google SERPS. This is a long-term strategy that will further content marketing campaigns be developed to ensure continuous communication with the brands target audience.
SMP: What are the challenges in creating the campaign and how did you overcome them?
LC: A major challenge that we have faced with this campaign is the current government-imposed lockdown meaning that less people are using their cars and lots of garages where you may need to get serious car faults repaired have/began to close. We were able to change the angle slightly whilst still maintaining the focus on car warning lights by highlighting some of the simpler car faults that are shown on your dashboard that can be repaired at home with simple methods.
SMP: What are you doing to measure the campaign and what measurement tools do you have in place to do this?LC: This campaign will be measured using Ahrefs and manually searching ?Utility Bidder? in Google. Hashtags also allow us to monitor the response on social media using social listening streams.
SMP: What is the budget used for the campaign?
LC: A five-figure-sum split for two campaigns.
SMP: How are you making the campaign social and shareable?
LC: As the quiz is embeddable, other sites can pick it up to use on their pages. We are also encouraging users to tweet their results using the hashtag which can then be shared by our social media accounts.
SMP: Are there any dedicated hashtags or social media profiles for the campaign and how/why did you chose these?LC: The hashtag for this campaign is
#CarWarningLights and has been chosen to represent the whole campaign and not just the quiz. We chose it as it is simple and hasn?t been used before, giving us more accurate results when measuring mentions.
SMP: Is there anything else we should know, or is there anything in particular that you?d like to share about the campaign? LC: This is an ongoing campaign and we encourage everyone to play the quiz and let us know your results. You can do this by visiting the
CarLease dedicated webpage and using the hashtag on social media channels.
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