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Online Moderators Conference

Jason Steele (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)) - 16 June 2009

Online Moderators? Conference

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) logoProtecting children online; reducing the risks offline A One Day Conference, Tuesday 16 June 2009, The CEOP Centre, Pimlico, London

This one-day course has been specifically designed for online moderators, community managers, online content managers and editors and indeed all those who interact with their young customer base online. This course will enable participants to identify the potential risks to young people, take appropriate measures to tackle any abuse in their environments and ensure that their online space is as safe as possible for their young customers.

Benefits to the delegate

Delegates attending this conference will gain the following:

·  an understanding of the activities and patterns of behaviour of child sex offenders who use the internet to abuse children using real case studies;

·  an overview of Sexual Offences Act 2003 and other relevant legislation in relation to the online world;

·  an insight into young people?s risk-taking behaviour in the online environment;

·  understanding of a range of issues concerning children and young people online and how online abuse affects children;

·  practical steps in how to protect your online environments and your staff from abusive content;

·  explore improvements to work flows within your organisation and discuss with peers development of best practice; and

·  an understanding of the reporting procedures at CEOP and other services available to industry.

Online Moderators? Conference Agenda

Protecting children online; reducing the risks offline

A One Day Conference, Tuesday 16 June 2009, The CEOP Centre, Pimlico, London

09:00 Registration

09:30 Welcome

Alex Nagle, Head of Harm Reduction, Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

09:40 Current trends and patterns of young people and their risk taking behaviour online

Jason Steele, EU Internet Safety Project Manager, Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

10:00 Offender behaviour online

Mark Owen, Covert Internet Investigator, Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

10:30 An overview of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 in relation to the online world

Hugh Davies, Legal Barrister

11:15 Break

11:50 Best practice and bad practice ? case studies and open panel discussion

All presenters

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Scenario based workshop discussing online risks to children and the impact of abuse

Duncan McDowell, Child Protection Advisor, National Society from the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

14:30 Reporting and response

Sheila Fellows, Team Leader ? Referrals Desk, Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

15:15 Break

15:30 Working to safeguard and protect your organisation and employees

Tom Simmons, Internet Investigator, Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

16:00 Panel discussion and open forum for questions and answers

Online Moderators? Conference

Protecting children online; reducing the risks offline  One Day Conference, Tuesday 16 June 2009, The CEOP Centre, Pimlico, London

Who should attend

This course is most suitable for professionals who:

·  work on the development of online sites young people use;

·  perform the role of an online moderator;

·  manage a team of online moderators;

·  are content managers;

·  community managers and associated staff; and /or

· liaise with and contact the end users of their site.

Delegate criteria and cost

There is a delegate fee of £195 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day

How to make a booking

Make a reservation online

Visit and complete the online booking form and one of the training team will confirm your place(s) on the conference.

Send an email

Email the training team at training @ with your name, organisation, position, contact details and details of a billing contact. The training team will then confirm your place on the conference.

Make a phone call

Call 020 7238 2314/2315 and speak to the training team to make a booking.

There are a limited number of places and you are recommended to book at your earliest opportunity.
Online Moderators? Conference
Protecting children online; reducing the risks offline
A One Day Conference, Tuesday 16 June 2009, The CEOP Centre, Pimlico, London

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