TB Forum 2014 - SST International - Security and Safety Technologies
Date: 11?14 February 2014
Location: Crocus Expo, 2 Pavilion, 8 Hall, Moscow, Russia

On 11?14 February 2014, Crocus Expo will host the biggest Сongress in Russia, CIS member states and Eastern Europe countries covering the entire spectrum of security issues ? The 19th International Forum Security and Safety Technologies.
Within the TB Forum framework, you will be able to benefit from:
? A segmented exposition increased through three new specialised sections: Counter terror, fire safety and critical facilities safety.
? An extended conference program, which includes the following conferences:
- Counter terror and transport security
- Topical issues of information security
- Trade and trade networks security
- Topical issues of security of systems and communication services
- Integrated Approaches to ensuring the security of critical facilities (CF) as Exemplified by industrial enterprises and organisations belonging military-industrial complex. Integration of physical security systems, information and industrial safety, etc.
? A focus on system solutions for state and corporate customers
? GroteckSmartEvent system - navigation and personalised plan for visiting the forum, materials of exhibitors and program of the forum, online exhibition before, during and after the forum
? High level of service and unique business opportunities for exhibitors and visitors
38% of the visitors are the state and corporate end-users.
61% of the audience are the managers that are in charge of procurement decisions.
TB Forum will be held on 11?14 February 2014 at Crocus Expo // Pavilion 2, Hall 8
Save the date and don?t miss the major congress and exhibition event in security market!