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Ethernet World 2014

IIR Telecoms & Technology (IIR Telecoms & Technology) - 15 September 2014

Ethernet World

Date: 15 ? 17 September 2014
Location: Nice Acropolis
FREE to attend for Operators

Ethernet World 2014 bannerThe largest international conference and exhibition focused on enabling cloud and data services with Ethernet

As networking focus shifts to cost effective enablement of cloud, data and mobile services Ethernet World 2014 will be examining how the convergence of Carrier Ethernet, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) technologies will enable operators to develop and deliver more scalable, dynamic, and customised services and applications in both fixed and mobile networks.

Well established as the leading Ethernet event in the market, 2014 sees Ethernet World refocusing on service enablement to answer the current questions service providers and enterprises are asking about determining which next-generation data services and applications to enable, and which infrastructures will help them do this in the most cost-effective manner.

With over 25 operator case study presentations in the Ethernet conference alone plus the opportunity to access all of the SDN & NFV conference content these two days represent a very valuable use of your time out of the office.

The conference is FREE to attend for Operators. Click here to register.
For more details on the event, download the conference brochure.

Twitter account @iirtransmission and hashtag #EW2014

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