Connected Car Insurance Europe
Date: 19-20 April 2017
Location: Hilton Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom (UK)
London once again hosts the continent?s largest connected motor insurance event in 2017 ?
Connected Car Insurance Europe 2017 (19-20 April, London).
This ultimate gathering of the European motor insurance industry sees executives from AIG, Direct Line Group, Generali, insurethebox, MAPFRE, RSA discuss the key topics affecting the industry across the three major sectors of UBI, autonomy and mobility.
UBI has shown success in certain key markets for young drivers but has not attained the heights expected by the motor insurance community. Nonetheless, UBI has introduced telematics into the motor insurance sphere. This year, we tackle how insurers leverage its data and tech. to create a whole new suite of products to match the mobility needs of the connected consumers.
You cannot afford to miss the unrivalled networking and educational opportunities here with more input from both legacy companies and world beating start-ups who are driving the industry forward. This is the place to meet your key partners and strike those important deals for 2017 and beyond.
Visit the website for more information.
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#TUINSThomas Wilson, Project Director at TU-Automotive
+44 (0) 207 55 19842