Learn what to expect from Actelion & Marketing and CX in the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference with Pieter De Muynck
Social Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there for Actelion and what?s the connection with Johnson & Johnson?Pieter De Muynck (PDM): I?m Pieter De Muynck, global marketing director at
Actelion, a
Janssen pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson.
SMP: Tell us about your talk at Marketing and CX in the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference (20-21/09/2018)?PDM: The panel discussion in which I?ll participate on
20 September is titled ?
Why will there be a reserved place for traditional marketing in 2020?. Besides this, I?ll be leading a roundtable discussion the same day about ?The unexpected struggles in Pharma Marketing?. The meeting is taking place in London and I?m very much looking forward to meeting the speaker panel and other colleagues from our industry.
SMP: What do you hope Marketing and CX in the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference delegates will take away from your talk and why?PDM: Best-in-class pharma companies no longer just launch and market products; they also aim to effectively partner with healthcare providers to deliver positive patient outcomes. In a crowded market, clinical efficacy and safety are no longer enough to cut through the competitive noise. Leading pharma companies are starting to emulate businesses in other sectors by turning to the experience they provide for their customers as the way to differentiate themselves. Bringing innovative medicines and solutions to patients is the key objective of innovative pharmaceutical companies. Patient centricity is fundamental to everything we do.
SMP: Why is Marketing and CX in the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference an important event for the industry (why is it important to share experience)?
PDM: Marketers who want to remain successful need to rapidly adapt to the changing environment. Customer experience (CX) has already been a hot topic for a number of years in the life sciences sector.
CX design has grown up around the realization that creating easy, distinctive, and rewarding customer experiences can unlock enormous value by boosting loyalty, reducing leakage and churn, and making life sciences companies stand out from the crowd. This conference is a great opportunity for leaders within the industry to meet and to exchange thoughts and ideas. It?s an opportunity to broaden one?s scope and to learn some fresh new ideas from other colleagues in the industry.
SMP: Regarding CX and digital marketing, if there was one thing brands should focus on, what should it be?PDM: Creating superior customer experiences is particularly relevant at launch because the performance of a new medicine in its first six months tends to determine its market share thereafter. A new approach combining design and analytical thinking marks a break with the way many pharma companies plan their launches.
SMP: Is there anything else we should know, or is there anything that you?d like to share?PDM: The most successful companies across industries are working to improve customer experience, and they are finding they have the greatest impact when focusing on end-to-end customer journeys, rather than on individual touchpoints.
SMP: Best way to contact you and Actelion?PDM: More information about the Actelion can be found on
www.actelion.com and on Twitter at

Now some questions for fun
SMP: What did you have for breakfast / lunch?PDM: A good granola and a banana for breakfast.
SMP: What?s the last good thing that you did for someone?PDM: For a few years I?ve been supporting Médecins Sans Frontières. I hope this helps people across the world to live better, healthier lives.
SMP: If you weren?t working at Actelion what would you be doing?PDM: I?d probably be working as a consultant for clients active in life sciences. And if I had some more time, I?d be spending more hours on my racing bike or in the swimming pool.
SMP: When / where did you go on your last holiday and why?PDM: I?m Belgian and I spent my last vacation on the Belgian coast for some good time with my family and friends. Given the exceptional weather this summer it felt a bit like a vacation in the south of Europe.
SMP: What?s the first thing you do when you get into the office of a morning?PDM: Greeting my assistant and colleagues, and taking a good strong Nespresso.
SMP: If you had a superpower what would it be and why?PDM: Wouldn?t it be great to have a ?superbrain? that enables you to invent the medicine that can cure all those diseases for which we don?t yet have a cure? This would help so many patients and their families.
Stay tuned for another Marketing & CX Pharm interview coming soon.
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Learn more about CX in the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference at SMP and directly from the event website.