Date: 30 January 2019
Location: FORUM Factory, Besselstraße 13-14, 10969 Berlin, GermanyAt
Savage.Z we?ll be joined by 150 marketers from B2C brands looking to engage the single largest up-and-coming consumer group on the market, Generation Z.
Staying true to its values, Savage.Z is not about big flashy shows. It?s about going back to the basics of what events are about and putting content first. Learn how your marketing message can stay authentic, engaging, and personalised to successfully market to Generation Z.
Receive a 20% discount with SMP using discount code SMP20. Register at the event website.Keeping your brand authentic, engaging, and accessible is harder than it seems. Every brand marketer knows that.
Why attend the Savage.Z conference?Having spent the last decade fine-tuning their strategies to successfully market to the Millennials, marketers are now struggling to engage with the young consumers at the level of personalization and speed that is expected by this generation. Yet, this group is estimated to hold 40% of consumer power by 2020! If you don?t have a strategy to engage Gen Z on their terms now, you are already behind.
Savage.Z, brought by marketing?s Savage Marketing event, is where you will gain practical tips on winning with the up-and-coming generation. Diversity, purpose, authenticity, speed, hypersegmentation, and personalisation are at the forefront of successful marketing here.