Your Check Up: 2020 Customer Behaviour Benchmark Webinar
Date: Tuesday, 31 March 2020 13:00 PM EDT
Location: WebinarSummaryCustomer behavior can be unpredictable;luckily our sweep of 2020 benchmark data cuts through the noise, bringing you key digital patterns, and insight into how people like to browse across industries.
We've analyzed over
seven billion sessions across
nine verticals on
400 global sites this past year. A labor of CX love, we've consolidated this data and fished out crucial trends and patterns.
The webinar will also include a breaking update on how the Coronavirus is affecting online behavior and impacting ecommerce.
What we've got in store for you- Industry KPIs for site entry, activity, lead generation behavior and more
- Recommendations and insights by our dedicated team of CX-perts on key stages of the customer journey, from entry to checkout
- How the recent COVID-19 outbreak has affected digital behaviors