Lewis Powers conference producer for the TU event series on the forthcoming TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020
Social Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there for InformaTech and TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020?Lewis Powers (LP): I?m Lewis Powers, conference producer for the TU event series at Informa Tech. Currently I?m producing our
TU-Automotive Detroit 2020 event.
SMP: Briefly tell us about TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020LP: TU-Automotive Detroit 2020 takes places from
02-04 June 2020 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Detroit. We?ll be holding the TU-Automotive Awards on the 02 June followed by the event exhibition and conference on the 03-04 June.
SMP: How long has the event been going and what does it strive to achieve?LP: 2020 will be our 20th consecutive year. Each year we provide the auto-tech industry with a forum to address new technologies and new trends.
SMP: What do you hope about TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020 delegates will take away from the event and why?LP: The industry is in flux. I?m hoping to provide some clarity to our delegates about what to expect over the next couple of years (and how to get ahead of the competition!)
SMP: Why is TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020 conference an important event for the industry?LP: There are a lot of new automotive developments and industry entrants, at times it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes. Forums like TU-Automotive Detroit are vital to enable industry growth through connection, acceleration, showcase and education.
SMP: How can stakeholders get involved?LP: There are lots of ways to get involved at the event! The best place to start would be to drop me an email at
SMP: Provide an understanding of what delegates can expect to experience? LP: At this year?s event we?re focussing on key industry issues such as testing AVs, the future of infotainment, overcoming challenges to EV adoption, the cybersecurity landscape and smart city collaboration. For a comprehensive
2020 agenda visit the TU-Automotive website.

SMP: What are the challenges that you?ve encountered and how are you overcoming them in what you have been doing so far at TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020?LP: Not so much a challenge than a pressure. The event attracts 3500+ attendees annually so it?s important to make sure that the event is both engaging and exciting for them.
SMP: Is there anything else we should know, or is there anything that you?d like to share?LP: If you?d like to attend the event then we have a range of passes on offer
visit the TU-Automotive website.
SMP: Best way to contact you and TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020?LP replies with:
Content and speaking inquiries
Lewis Powers
T: +44(0) 207 551 9020
lewis.powers@informa.comExhibition and sponsorship inquiries
Sanjay Singh
T: +44(0) 207 551 9828
sanjay.singh@informa.comMarketing and press inquiries
Freya Smale
T: +44(0) 207 017 5185
Now some questions for fun
SMP: What did you have for breakfast / lunch?LP: Coffee and toast (quite boring)
SMP: If you weren?t working on TU-Automotive Detroit USA 2020 what would you be doing?LP: Working on our
Connected Car Insurance event!
SMP: When / where did you go on your last holiday and why?LP: Dominican Republic
SMP: What?s the first thing you do when you get into the office of a morning?LP: Get coffee!
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