Bing Catching Google Web Designer Perth Outlines Surprising Trends
Western- --- 18, 2011 - Web Wizards
web designer perth Managing Director
Neville Greenwood has highlighted the emerging trends from the US regarding the
Google and Bing battle for market share. "Most people have disregarded Bing in
their online advertising due to the perceived less useful results provided by
it's search engine in the past, but that could be a mistake." Mr Greenwood
Bing certainly has momentum over Google at the moment. Consider the
following facts from the past year.
1 In October 2010 Microsoft and Yahoo
completed an agreement to have Bing power the Yahoo organic search results.
In January 2011, Microsoft did a deal with conduit to add roughly 2 points of
additional market share.
3 Microsoft has been doing many small deals to
increase market share brick by brick.
4 Bing is integrated with hotmail and
many news organisations such as Ninemsn that have the search at the top of the
As of June 2011, the Bing organic market share in the US was 33-34% or
in other owords 1 in 3 people are using Bing.
More interesting is that in
July 2010 a study by chitika ad network illustrates that the Bing users are
actually worth more to advertisers than Google users.
?A new study by
online ad network Chitika shows that an individual Bing user is worth one and a
half individual Google users in value to website owners.
The value of an
individual user, in this case, is determined by their likelihood to click on a
website?s revenue-generating call-to-action ? in Chitika?s case, a text ad
embedded in the site. Across the sample of nearly 15 million impressions used
for this study, Google users clicked on ads at a rate of 1.09%, while Bing users
clicked on ads 1.67% of the time.? according to Chitika research.
Could the Unthinkable Occur. ?Google still clearly leads Bing more than 2 to 1.
But when you consider that that ratio was 3 to 1 last fall, the gap appears to
be closing. Bing is growing by five or six percent each month, whereas Google is
losing two to three percent" according to Christina warren from Mashable.This is
why it?s time for you to pay attention to Bing. They have serious
If you want to stay ahead of the trends Mr Greenwood from Web
web designer perth suggest
that you NOT ignore Bing in your online marketing.
Managing Director:
Neville Greenwood
Phone: (08) 9350 9392
Mailing Address: 17/179 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington, Western, Australia
Company: Web Wizards Web Designer Perth