Sebastopol, CA?"We're at a moment in time where
businesses and organizations know that they need to be participating in
social media?but they're still working out how best to do it," says Jesse McDougall (@jsmcdougall), author of #tweetsmart (O'Reilly Media, $19.99 USD).
McDougall continues, "The first tendency of most marketing teams is
to transplant old strategies onto this new technology, which can be
fatal. Would-be marketers on Twitter can do more harm than good in a
very short amount of time. This new approach to marketing?one based in
discovery instead of interruption?is only going to grow in popularity in
the coming years. This book will give folks a good foundation for
understanding the concepts in what will be the future of marketing."
Twitter is not a marketing channel (and should never be used as such)
but it is a community of interested, engaged, and influential people.
Meeting and getting to know these people can help you build your own
community. #tweetsmart
provides 25 creative projects to help your business, cause, or
organization grow in ways that are strategic, measurable, and fun.
- Put a new wrinkle on an old contest: "be the 10th person to tweet"
- Create a hashtag game around your company or products
- Instead of polling, ask your followers to help you make a product decision
- Make MadLibs out of your marketing copy or mission statement
- Hold a scavenger hunt, and relay clues via Twitter
- Organize a weekly Twitter chat on various subjects
- Solicit funny product shots, using Twitter's photo-sharing utility
- Spontaneously tweet from a store location: "Meet me now and win!"
"I'm often asked: 'OK. I signed up for a Twitter account. Now what do I do?'" McDougall chuckles. "This book is my answer."
For a review copy or more information please email gretchen@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.
About the Author
Jesse has over 12 years of experience as a web designer,
programmer, and web strategist. He speaks about web strategy and content
marketing at conferences across the country and is the author of eight
books about conducting business on the web. He is the co-owner of
Catalyst Webworks, a web design and strategy firm focusing on the book
publishing industry with clients across the US. He enjoys skiing,
motorcycling, camping, motorcycle-camping, and ski-motorcycling.
Currently, he lives in Vermont.
View J. S. McDougall's full profile page.
Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021315.do
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