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Social Media Portal interview with Adel Salhi at Vechoe

Tim Gibbon (Social Meida Portal (SMP)) - 29 March 2011

Profiled - Vechoe - The Music social network

Vechoe of logoAn interview with Vechoe, CEO at new music social network Vechoe

1. What is your full job title and role (what do you do there) at Vechoe?

I am the CEO, website designer and brains behind the network.

2. Briefly, tell us about Vechoe, what is it and what does it do?

Vechoe is what I believe to be the revolutionary music social networking that will change the way music talent is exposed on the Internet for musicians. It creates a market, individuals upload there albums , photos and music videos and compete between one another for the popularity. The users with the most popularity get the most exposed are highly likely to be spotted and contracted by music companies.

I firmly believe that what I have created is exactly the spot between Facebook and Youtube but for music , which to me is one of the best goals I have achieved.Photo of Adel Salhi, CEO at Vechoe

3. What made you start Vechoe?

It was a thought that hit me at an instance. I had various entrepreneurial ideas but I believe my wait and thinking has brought me a network that could well change the way the music industry works.

4. What was the most challenging part of building the service?

The service was not the issue but it was mostly the construction of the idea.

5. Who are your target audience and why?

Vechoe?s target audience is any one and everyone. It invites individuals who are musicians and it feeds off the views of viewers who seek to find out about interesting music talents.

6. How did you initially attract users to your site /service, and how do you do it now?

It started off with the word of mouth and it expanded through the word of mouth, alongside correct research of optimization.

7. What are the low moments of what you have been doing so far?

The long hours that have payed off by a ?longshot?.
8. What are the high moments of what you have been doing so far?

The high moments is finally looking at a product that I have designed and distributed to the world. It has given me a sense of fulfilment and has inspired me to expand further and progress even further.

9. Now that you are established, what do you see as your biggest challenges and opportunities?

My biggest challenges is to connect the last piece of the puzzle and fully integrate the site into the music industry.

10. What are the next moves for Vechoe?

Provide Music contracts to the most loved and popular artists with sheer talent.

11. What?s the next big step for social media and networks?

The next big step is Vechoe, social media networks have become something of a virtual value that cannot affect there personal lives and dreams. The intervention of a network that can affect someones life by what they contribute to has proven to be a broken record which i adhere to.

12. What?s going to be the most interesting aspect regarding social media /
technology throughout 2011?

Technology is growing at a immense pace. It means to me that intellects and minds with pure genius must think faster to such a fast moving industry. Facebook has become a relentless aspect of peoples lives and it is becoming a market within itself.

It is a phenomenon that has brought about direct communication but ideally Vechoe is something to be looking out for this year. The day Zuckerberg brought about the Facebook, the day social networking was born , the day Facebook had a musical son, the day Vechoe was born.

13. What impact are social networks having upon social networks now?

Social networks breed of one another for an echo on the internet. Many social networks that are at the top realise this and although they compete with one another, they realise that there success relies by putting there foot on the other to gain better ranking on Google and other search engines. Social networking in essence has brought about a ?real? virtual world with virtual people , so in a virtual world you would not have one shop but you would have millions.

Now some questions for fun

1. What did you have for breakfast / lunch?

Oat Cereal

2. What?s the last good thing that you did for someone?

Taught them about what makes a business a real business

3. How many hours to you work a week?


4. If you weren?t running Vechoe what would you be doing?

Building another business idea.

5. When and where did you go on your last holiday?

Egypt in 2010, Sharm El Sheikh and Cairo

6. What?s the first thing you do when you get into the office of a morning?

Check my emails and update my self with the latest trends in SEO optimization.

7. If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

Become superman so that I can gain more super powers.

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