Social Media Portal interview with Jarvis Todd on the Connected Summit
Profiled - Connected Summit - Connecting consumers to the media, content and billing they want
An interview with Jarvis Todd, CEO at World Telemedia and its forthcoming event the Connected Summit
Social Media Portal (SMP): What is your role at Connected Summit (World Telemedia)?Jarvis Todd (JT): I'm the CEO and responsible for tracking market trends and directing our specialist media services to continually identify new and profitable vertical sectors for the Telemedia industry
SMP: Briefly, tell us about Connected Summit, what is it and when / where is the event scheduled?JT: The Connected Summit brings together anyone that recognizes the unique value of connecting consumers to the media, content and billing they want ? and gives them access to the expertise, technology and providers that can help them do just that! The event provides the Telemedia industry with its main UK trading exchange and remains committed to promoting the benefits and opportunities of premium-rate based interactivity. However, the new ?connected? structure now also showcases the fullest range of digital engagement technology for target sectors that include:
Day 1 - Media Companies, TV Companies, Radio, Entertainment & Live Events
Day 2 - Marketing, Advertising, Retail, Commerce & Interactive Technology
SMP: Is in conjunction with any other event?
JT: There will be an official launch event for PAYFORIT 4 hosted by AIME and the UK MNOS. We?re obviously delighted that they?ve selected The Connected Summit to launch this mobile operator payment service which includes conference sessions, drill down workshops and an open drinks reception on the 15th May. This initiative is aimed at merchants, media groups and aggregators eager to understand the key advantages of this important interactive billing solution.
SMP: Who are your target audience and why (and who should attend)?JT replies with:- Media Companies & Data Owners
- Marketers, Agencies & Brands
- Premium Content & Service Providers
- Live Event Organisers & Retailers
- Network Operators & ISP
- Technology & Billing Providers
SMP: Why was Connected Summit started, and how long has it been going?JT: This is the first event under the new ?connected? brand, but the event started three years ago as Telemedia 360. We felt a re-brand was necessary to better reflect the broader range of sectors and applications that benefit front the expertise, experience and technology within our vendor community.
SMP: What is Connected Summit event doing that?s different?JT: We?re put the consumer at the forefront of our thinking ? since they?re the ones that effectively control the market. As more consumers use their telephones, mobiles, smartphones, tablets, games consoles and netbooks to interact with TV, print, advertised media content, calls to action and of course social networks ? the ability to connect has never been more strategically important.
The opportunity in therefore to bring together a range of creative sectors with one common goal and a range of shared objectives ? to commercialise that connection with their audiences. We?re content neutral so The Connected Summit allows representatives from all these sectors to gain a much broader understanding of this process whilst offering interactive technology vendor an attractive profile of prospective customers. The variety in representation also promotes a range of cross sales / platform opportunities that would not normally exist within the confines of an event that?s simply defined by the distribution channel.
SMP: What will be the highlights at the event?JT: Four separately branded but closely related tracks that showcase how innovative services, technologies and solutions are now delivering a real return on investment whilst creating a whole new world of entertainment and commerce.
- Media & Entertainment
- Live Events
- Marketing & Commerce
- Interactive Technologies
Plus, there will be the MNOS payment PAYFORIT official launch. This significant re-launch includes many additional features, such as an Embed version for seamless branding of the payment experience within websites and web apps, and Payforit Single Click making repeat purchases much quicker and easier.
This initiative is aimed at merchants, media groups and aggregators eager to understand the key advantages of this important interactive billing solution.
SMP: How are you attracting attendees to the event?JT: We?ve been running trade media in this space for over 16 years so there?s not too many people we don?t have either reading our magazines, newsletters or visiting said we have invested a lot of time and effort this year expanding our reach into unchartered waters thanks to a great line up of media supporters ? such as SMP!
We also practice what we preach and use
LinkedIn, Twitter (readers can follow me at
@JarvisCHTodd) and of course we?re always working hard to get the most from Facebook and other social business networks.
SMP: What are the most important things that attendees can take away from this event?JT: A clear understanding of what today?s high tech consumers look like and how best to commercialise those all-important ubiquitous connections - using the fullest range of media channels, content assets and interactive service opportunities. But that?s only half the story ? it?s vital to work within a sustainable value chain of delivery and billing providers that can enable this process.
SMP: What are the low moments of what you have been doing so far?JT: It?s hard to say that there are any low moments as such, but of course it?s frustrating working within the practical limitations of our own resource ? our international potential is somewhat limited at this stage.
SMP: What are the high moments of what you have been doing so far?JT: Seeing a delegate list comprising O2, Vodafone, 3, ITV, Fremantle Media, Open Market, Everything Everywhere, Harvest Media, AIME, The Telegraph Group, IMI Mobile, Oxygen8, TxtNation and two way media ? the perfect blend!
SMP: How can agencies and brands get involved in Connected Summit?JT: Simply visit the
Connected Summit website and register using discount code
JT100 and save £100 by using my personal
?early bird? discount code EB320. This special rate of £320 includes access to all seminars, networking events and 2 course lunch. So get connected by registering at - and don?t forget to use the discount code.
SMP: Why is mobile such an important talking point and why will it continue to be throughout 2012?JT: Its ubiquitous nature and the fact that mobile / tablets have become the consumers 2nd screen when interacting with all forms of media and content ? make it the most important piece of commercial technology in the market.
SMP: What do you think the next big developments in the mobile space are likely to be and what role does social media have to play in this?
JT: The next big development for mobile and social media has to be its role in TV and media interaction, as well as its role in retail. On the TV front, social is now ? as we speak ? becoming the interaction channel of choice for shows such as X-Factor and Britain?s Got Talent, giving fans the chance to follow, share, interact and get extra content. It will also become the primary voting channel as well.
Where does mobile fit? Well everyone is second screening with their smartphone or tablet while watching, so for social TV interaction read mobile social TV interaction. Again this impacts the networks as these second screeners are typically at home and using wi-fi. For operators this is a lose-lose.
The other big area for social media is retail. Not only are retail brands letting users follow them and are interacting with their customers ? and pinging them offers ? they are increasingly looking at using Facebook as a storefront. The role of mobile here is that, again, more than 60% of social media users are doing to through mobile and combining retail with mobile social media out in the shopping mall allows the real world and the m-commerce world to collide. Mobile social in retail can now offer location based offers, p2p recommendations and even ways of getting more info and buying stuff while out and about. For operators this means traffic - so long as the malls and retailers don't follow Tesco down the free wi-fi route. When (not if) they do, it is again a lose-lose for the operator.
SMP: How can you see that social media and be integrated into the mobile space to maximise the use of mobile?
JT: THE most interesting things for social and mobile will no doubt be the shift away from operator services to Wi-Fi and eventually free Wi-Fi services that then suddenly start to make everything mobile much more interesting, cheap and easier for consumers.
Where do we start: Mobile will become the de facto e-commerce channel, and that will be conducted through both retailer hybrid apps and m-websites and social media platforms. TV and media interaction, interaction with adverts and brands will also continue to grow through the mobile and social channels as everyone looks to get a personal dialogue going with consumers through mobile. It will be driven by text and special offers, but will soon expand to include augmented reality (AR) games, content, personalised ads, interaction with billboards, location aware social media offers. Mobile and social will also become increasingly inseparable throughout 2012 and beyond.
On the purely social media front we are likely to also see something of a battle royal between the state and the people over what you can and can't say on social media and what right the state has to shut down social media sites if it thinks they are encouraging criminality ? the first stages of which we have seen with the UK riots and more recently the Fabrice Muamba. As we enter a very politically unstable time we are going to see social media on mobile used more and more to turn flash mobs into protests and riots and the state's reaction to this will be crucial in shaping how all media and communications is regulated and ultimately how we are allowed to use social media. This time the revolution will be Twitterised, to paraphrase the late, great Gil Scott Heron.
SMP: Best way to contact you?LinkedIn,
World Telemedia @
Now some questions for fun
SMP: What did you have for breakfast and lunch?JT: Breakfast is for wimps ? I went straight in for a lovely cold roast beef salad at lunchtime
SMP: What?s the last good thing that you did for someone?JT: Prepared a lovely cold roast beef salad for my wife at lunchtime
SMP: If you weren?t running Connected Summit what would you be doing?JT: I?d love to work at the Met office
SMP: When and where did you go on your last holiday?JT: Croatia and Montenegro last August
SMP: What?s the first thing you do when you get into the office of a morning?JT: Check my emails and then find an excuse to leave the office!
SMP: If you had a superpower what would it be and why?JT: Ultimate and unconditional self control and the gift of Alchemy ? I want everything I touch to turn to gold.
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