Profiled - Judah Swagerty and Executive Producer at Local Mobile Marketing Expo (LMMX)
Social Media Portal (SMP): What is your full name, job title and role (what do you do there) at the Local Mobile Marketing LMMX?
Social Media Portal (SMP): What is role at Local Mobile Marketing LMMX?Judah Swagerty (JS): I'm the Executive Producer at Local Mobile Marketing Expo (LMMX). I oversee the direction of the event and am basically the event organizer. I make sure that all aspects of the event from sponsors to attendees are in alignment with our mission and purpose.
SMP: Briefly, tell us about LMMX, when and where is the event scheduled?JS: LMMX (on 20 July 20, 2012 in Johnson City, TN, USA) is a full day mobile marketing conference and expo designed to teach local business owners and marketing executive the power of mobile technology and how their businesses or organizations can harness this unique marketing medium to better engage with new and existing customers. LMMX will offer highly educational training sessions taught by some of the world's leading thought leaders on the subject of mobile marketing and technology.
SMP: Who are your target audience and why (and who should attend)?JS: For the event we are targeting local small-medium sized business owners, brand managers, CEOs, social media strategist, E-Commerce managers, mobile network operators and carriers, marketing managers, VPs of marketing, business development, online business, sales and M-commerce as well as entrepreneurs - anyone looking to learn more about mobile marketing and technology.
SMP: Why was LMMX started and how long has it been going?
JS: This is the first year and we created this event because we are compelled to give back to the local business community. We thought that nothing could be better than to give the local business community vital information that could take their business or organisation to the next level. We wanted to give those businesses, which are eager to learn, the tools they need to position themselves as the leading authority in their markets.
SMP: What is LMMX event doing that?s different?JS: The biggest way we are different than any other event is that our main focus is primarily on social responsibility. This means that we want to encourage each attendee to give back to their local communities. Our goal is to influence the world for positive change through constructive business influences.
This is because we know that businesses push influence, on both a conscious and subconscious level, for good or for bad. So, what if the smartest people under one roof, say like at our events, were to pull their talents and resources together? How many people could we feed? How many people could we provide clothing for? We want to show business professionals that there is more to networking with each other than merely for income generating activities - that true fulfilment comes from helping families succeed on all levels of living and not strictly form external pleasures.
One way we are doing this with our events is to partner with local non-profits who are making a difference in their local communities. Proceeds of our events will go to those charities who are making the world a better place to live. Go to to learn more or to enroll your non-profit organization into our program.
SMP: What will be the highlights at the event?JS: The highlights of our events will be the keynotes, panel discussions with open Q&A and our interactive workshops. I would also like to add that highlights of our events will also include our expo breaks where attendees meet with sponsors and exhibitors as well as our networking breaks.
SMP: How are you attracting attendees to the event?JS: We are attracting attendees through mobile platforms such as permission based SMS text messages, online social media outlets like Twitter (
@LMMExpo), Facebook and LinkedIn. Online videos will be a major part of our marketing efforts and we are also running press releases and partnering with local media outlets, organisations and associations such as the local chamber of commerce.
SMP: What are the most important things that attendees can take away from this event?JS: Attendees will be able to walk away with practical information and techniques that they will be able to immediately implement into their business. A complete understanding that there are solutions that will help cure their marketing problems. Attendees will also walk away with valuable key relationships and possible joint venture opportunities with other attendees.
SMP: What are the low moments of what you have been doing so far in terms of the event?JS: There has not really been any low moments besides the fact that we have limited resources at this point along our journey. It has been frustrating and a little stressful, but it has also been a tremendous learning experience for me. If I may take this time to thank all those who have believed and seen our vision and who was eager to help make our events a success. This includes all of our sponsors, partners and speakers. Without these awesome men and women, this journey would have been much more stressful. I thank you all.
SMP: What are the high moments of what you have been doing so far in terms of the event?JS: Seeing the vision materialise! Taking the ideas from our thoughts and making it real. Also seeing the positive response from those who are involved including our registered attendees. What a blessing!
SMP: How can agencies and brands get involved in LMMX?JS: Just go to and sign up for the early bird special which ends for our Johnson City, TN conference on July 7th. We have two levels and we also have discounted group rates. The investment is very reasonable and the information being taught is of high impact.
SMP: Why is mobile such an important talking point and why will it continue to be throughout 2012 and into 2013?JS: Mobile is essentially a part of our lives now. We don't go anywhere without our mobile phones and mobile devices. The last statistics I saw stated that 87 percent of the world's population has a mobile phone. Mobile is taking over our lives! As for businesses, this will be the number one direct response medium for customer engagement and interaction and no other marketing channel will be able to offer such a reach.
SMP: What do you think the next big developments in the mobile space are likely to be and what role does social media have to play in this?JS: Augmented reality! This technology will take mobile to a whole new level. The technology obviously exists but as it becomes more popular and developers are able to iron out the kinks, augmented reality will be the cornerstone of mobile and how we interact with it, bridging the gap between the digital world and the physical world making both worlds one. Social media will play a major role with augmented reality as we will be able to literally see our friend or family member as a holographic image or their image project on a wall, or even a piece of paper.
SMP: How can you see that marketing and especially social media can be integrated into the mobile space to maximise the use of mobile?JS: When we are talking about marketing, it makes sense to talk about mobile and social media within the same breath. Today, more Facebook users access their accounts via a mobile device. Our mobile phones provide everything we need in terms of communication and marketing via mobile devices will be a must. We can't run from it... it's here!
SMP: Best way to contact you?JS: You can contact me personally via LinkedIn and we are also on Twitter -
@LMMEXPO. Visit us at h
ttp:// if you would like to contact us via our online form.
Now Some Questions For Fun
SMP: What did you have for breakfast and lunch?JS: I usually have oats and grains for breakfast followed by a green drink. I don't eat animal based products so I will also have a salad with assorted berries or a veggie sandwich with flax seeds for lunch. It varies of course. I drink plenty of water and eat all organic foods too.
SMP: What?s the last good thing that you did for someone?JS: I would like to think I do good deeds on a daily basis. I'm not the one to brag. It's not really what I am doing for people; it's what I'm not doing. I live my life from a place of peace, love and deep understanding and my higher self is in constant motion. When good is in your heart then good is all you have to give!
SMP: If you weren?t running or working on LMMX (or doing what you do) what would you be doing?JS: I want to always be of service to others so that's what I would be doing. Serving others to make a difference in the lives of many! Probably through organic gardening, educational programs centered on healthy eating and living and seeking enlightenment and universal oneness with all of creation and teaching that as well.
SMP: When and where did you go on your last holiday?JS: In my wife's arms... Mother's Day!
SMP: What?s the first thing you do when you get into the office of a morning?JS: Check my email and look at my current daily agenda and start taking action on it.
SMP: If you had a superpower what would it be and why?JS: To heal the world of pain and suffering. But then I think, if there was no pain and suffering would we know and truly understand love, joy, happiness and peace?
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