23 January 2014
Social Media Portal (SMP) interview with Annekathrin Häse from MindLinkAnnekathrin Häse on marketing MindLink Software and the impact of social media on business critical collaboration platformsSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there at MindLink Software?Annekathrin Häse (AH): I?m Annekathrin Häse, director of strat...
17 January 2014
Social Media Portal (SMP) interview with Shafqat Islam from NewsCredShafqat Islam from NewsCred on content marketing, publishing and sourcing journalism talent to service brandsSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there at NewsCred?Shafqat Islam (SI): I?m Shafqat Islam, co-founder and CEO of NewsCred. As CEO, I oversee...
08 January 2014
Social Media Portal (SMP) interview with David Rosen from Darlington SolicitorsDavid Rosen from Darlington Solicitors on how businesses need to be prepared when using digital and social mediaSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there at Darlingtons Solicitors? David Rosen (DR): My name is David Rosen, I am a partner an...