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insurance marketing

7 items have been tagged insurance marketing


3rd Annual Connected Insurance Summit Europe 2018

3rd Annual Connected Insurance Summit Europe 20183rd Annual Connected Insurance Summit EuropeDate: 11-12 June 2018Location: Hilton Tower Bridge, London, UKOver 2-days, join 300 of your peers to debate the future of connected insurance at the 3rd Annual Connected Insurance Summit Europe 2018. Dis...


Emma Sheard from Insurance Nexus on I2C: Insurance2Customer USA

Emma Sheard from Insurance Nexus on I2C: Insurance2Customer USAHead of strategy from Insurance Nexus Emma Sheard on the insurance marketing conference I2C: Insurance2Customer USASocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do at Insurance Nexus and I2C: Insurance2Customer USA?Emma Sheard (ES):...


I2C: Insurance2Customer USA Summit 2016

I2C: Insurance2Customer USA Summit 2016I2C: Insurance2Customer USA SummitDate: 19th & 20th September 2016Location: Wyndham Grand Chicago Riverfront, Chicago, USAMany insurers express disappointment in the effectiveness of social media but as the technology has matured it is becomin...


Insurance Customer Engagement Europe 2018

Insurance Customer Engagement Europe 2018Insurance Customer Engagement Europe  Date: 19-20 June 2018Location: The Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, London, UKInsurance Customer Engagement Europe (June 19-20, London) will be placing the customer at the forefront of all conversations; re...

Michael Foote MD of insurance comparison site Quote Goat on breaking through

Michael Foote MD of insurance comparison site Quote Goat on breaking throughMichael Foote of insurance comparison site Quote Goat using maximising marketing spend with social mediaSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there for Quote Goat?Michael Foote (MF): I?m Michael Foote founder and managing...


Nadira Kharmai-Freed from Foremost on marketing for insurance firms

Nadira Kharmai-Freed from Foremost on marketing for insurance firmsMarketing for insurance businesses and guest speaking at the I2C: Insurance2Cusomter USA Summit 2016 with Nadira Kharmai-Freed Social Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there for Foremost Insurance?Nadira Kharmai-Freed (NKF):...


Terry Golesworthy from The Customer Respect Group on insurance marketing

Terry Golesworthy from The Customer Respect Group on insurance marketingThe Customer Respect Group?s president Terry Golesworthy on the Digital Marketing Strategies for Insurance: Exclusive EbookSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there The Customer Respect Group?Terry Golesworthy (TG): I?m...