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online pr

15 items have been tagged online pr


DWPub Sporadic

DWPub SporadicDaryl Willcox's blog on PR, digital marketing and other media stuff

Press Release

Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaPro

Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaProElemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference mediaProCommunications consultancy Elemental to exhibit at integrated marketing conference and exhibition mediaPro at Olympia 2, London, UKLondon, UK ---- Communications consultancy Elemental...


Forth Metrics

Forth MetricsForth Metrics is focussed on creating simple, easy to use, web-based measurement tools for small businesses. Our first product, Inkybee, is designed to help people working in PR. It is a very simple and user-friendly tool which will be available s...

Preparing your site for social media

Preparing your site for social mediaPreparing your site for social media Tim Gibbon, founder and director of Elemental Communications, offers some advice on preparing your web site for social media Social media has engulfed us and the way we communicate. User-generated content (UGC)...

Public relations Versus search engine marketing Versus marketing

Public relations Versus search engine marketing Versus marketingPublic relations versus search engine marketing versus marketingIn the face of increasing media convergence, Tim Gibbon, director of Elemental Communications, argues that being able to bring together the core elements of public relations, search m...

Press Release

Radian6 Partners With Social Wavelength to Bring Enterprise-grade Social Media Monitoring Solutions to the Indian Market

Radian6 Partners With Social Wavelength to Bring Enterprise-grade Social Media Monitoring Solutions to the Indian MarketRadian6 Partners With Social Wavelength to Bring Enterprise-grade Social Media Monitoring Solutions to the Indian MarketMUMBAI/PRNewswire/ ---- Social Wavelength, the Social Media agency that enjoys leadership position in India, has been appo...

Search engine marketing and SEO PR - Time to take control

Search engine marketing and SEO PR - Time to take controlSearch engine marketing and SEO PR - Time to take control It is time for communications professionals to step up to the plate and take advantage of search engines writes Rachel Hawkes, account director, Elemental CommunicationsBy now most of us ha...

SEO PR - What is the difference between aggregators, newswires, news sites and portals?

SEO PR - What is the difference between aggregators, newswires, news sites and portals?SEO PR - What is the difference between aggregators, newswires, news sites and portals?To fully take advantage of the opportunities afforded by SEO PR, marketers need to understand the difference between the variety of online news services on offe...

Social Media Portal (SMP) interviews Alexei Lee from Strategy Digital

Social Media Portal (SMP) interviews Alexei Lee from Strategy DigitalAlexei Lee from digital marketing agency Strategy Digital on content and socialSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name and what do you do there at Strategy Digital? Alexei Lee (AL): I?m Alexei Lee and I?m head of social.I head up the social m...

Social Media Portal interview with Hugh Anderson from Forth Metrics and Inkybee

Social Media Portal interview with Hugh Anderson from Forth Metrics and InkybeeSocial Media Portal interview with Hugh Anderson from Forth Metrics and InkybeeSocial Media Portal (SMP) profiled interview with Forth Metrics creators of InkybeeSocial Media Portal (SMP): What is your name - what do you do there at Inkybee and at...

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